VK App

VK App

Android version: 4.0.3+
Application version: 4.2, 4.0, 2.2.2, 2.0
Category: Multimedia
VK in the iPhone style on android is another version of the official application VKontakte with design and functions in the iPhone style . At the moment, there are already many applications for a social network with improved functions: for listening and downloading music with - VK mp3, To be able to stay on the network in “Invisible” mode - VK coffee and others. Using this application, you can: download: download Music not only from audio recordings, but also from messages, block group users, change and make a new design of tabs. A new function has appeared in the settings - checking updates - this will always allow you to be the first to know the main news of your friends. Having downloaded VKontakte as on an iPhone for android, you will notice that at first glance it has become more easy to use, but at the same time there are more functions in it, which cannot leave its users indifferent.

It is clear that on the network you can find hundreds of similar programs that offer their person as a worthy replacement of the standard version, but not everyone has been thoroughly worked out and debugged. This project has an interesting design and incredible functionality, for this reason you may not make out a special difference between VK App in the iOS style and the official version for android.

The interface part is also similar to the one that all users are used to seeing every day. There are the same categories installed on the left, and the starting load, as is customary, begins with the main page. In a new addition to the package, the authors of the program included the section of options that had not previously had in the main version. Now with absolutely any of your friends, users will be able to simply correspond, and from an interesting conversation you will not be distracted by annoying banners, which are very often found in the main version. This program was also created in iOS format. The owners of Android smartphones can now for a moment feel like full owners of smartphones of an apple company. In addition to all of the above, under all your records there will be a sign of an android icons that is non -standard for all icons, namely an apple brand. As always, the invisibility mode will be opened here in order to be online all the time, and remain invisible. Another distinguishing feature - you can load musical content very quickly and completely free, you just need to go to your audio record catalog. This is the main advantage of this version of VK App (VK APP) as on an iPhone for android devices, because the main client advertises this service in a paid format, and with a large amount of advertising.

You can simply change your own profile data, “delve” in the options, and change the main personalization. It is clear that in the program it will be possible to type messages, attach entries on other pages, sit in various publics, and do everything that you do on the main service. It is worth saying about a cool warning system. If the user comes a message, or you were left an answer, then at the same moment the notification will appear on the smartphone screen. If you want to be aware of the latest profile events, then load VK APP (iOS) to Android and find out the latest news first.

The main features of VK App (VK APP):

  • The opportunity not only to exchange text information, upload photos and videos, but also send and receive gifts;
  • A huge convenience of management and access to the data of all sections of the service;
  • Impeccable content optimization;
  • The capabilities of this service almost fully performs service functions for stationary computers;
  • The ability to buy paid content from the main VKontakte service.
  • Incredible response speed and information load;
  • Impeccable optimization for smartphones of all formats;
  • The ability to activate the invisibility regime.
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