VK Coffee

VK Coffee

Android version: 4.1+
Application version: 8.09 alpha
Category: VK apps

You have ever thought that the functionality of the official application VKontakte can be made even better and more convenient. For example, the application VK MP3 has more improved functionality than official, to listen and download music from the social network. There is also another client option for a social network VKontakte - this Kate Mobile. It also implements additional options and advantages (support for multiple accounts, invisible regime, etc.).
Regarding the VK Coffee Application page (VK Coffee), then there is even wider functionality and advantages. This software is not postponed on the pages of Google Play, or in other official stores, since this kind of projects are erased and put for prohibition. But there are still such resources as which anyone can find an application similar to this and without any particular problems to use it.

So, most likely it will be very interesting for you, what is such a non-standard available in vk coffee? At the very beginning there is a convenient feature that will help the user to enter any person in delusion, and if you go into details, then the client's change in VKontakte. For example, you can put an iPhone, Windows Phone identifier and when you comment on the news, everyone will see what this is done using the selected identifier. There is still an opportunity "Phantom Online". After leaving the CA coffee program, there will be no real connection date, namely, when the user came without using this function. You can also activate the possibility of which you all the time will be shown the offline mode, regardless of whether you type the text or listen to music.

As you have already noticed, VK Coffee has incredibly useful features, but it is still far from the end of the description. In order for this review to be very tedious and you did not spend time during the tall reading of the text, we list the bulk of all that you can still find in the program:

  • Function to be in offline - after switching on the option, you are displayed in offline mode;
  • Convenient loading of audio recordings, their bitrate and occupied place in the player itself;
  • Find out when the right person has started page VKontakte;
  • "Unable" mode - reading the necessary messages without a memo to view, no one will know if you read what was recruited or not;
  • The ability to type the text without a mark that it is recruited, no one will see the alert about it;
  • No annoying advertising, now she does not hurt you;
  • If the user has several account accounts, you can quickly switch between them;

As you understood, the functional of the CA coffee is almost impaired and, of course, this is not to find this in any program-client for VKontakte. Looking at these opportunities it becomes clear why the program is prohibited in Google Play

VK Coffee v8.09 alpha
30.21 Mb
VK Coffee v8.08 alpha
29.71 Mb
VK Coffee v8.05 alpha
29.68 Mb
VK Coffee v8.02 beta
29.79 Mb
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