Devices Tycoon

Devices Tycoon

Android version: 7.0+
Application version: 3.4.0
Category: Simulators
Devices Tycoon is a high-quality business simulator for Android, where you can express yourself in creating and promoting new technological products. These may include laptops, headphones, additional software for computers, phones, and more.
Then you need to start selling your goods. They will gradually go on sale and opinions from users will immediately appear. Based on them, you can modernize products, improving them based on feedback. In principle, the same as what happens in real life.

Studying the competitors' market

You need to analyze the current situation on the market, study products that are in wide demand. Think through strategies and further actions for the future.
Also, a lot of things need to be done to organize workplaces for your employees, select and equip places.
There will be enough to do, using the capabilities of this application you will gain valuable experience that will contribute to your success in the future.
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