Last Island of Survival
Android version: 5.0+
Application version: 4.8
Category: Action
Developer: HK Hero Entertainment Co., Limited
Last Island of Survival is a tough open world combat survival game. The goal of the gameplay will be to go to any lengths to get the desired victory. To do this, gamers will have to extract and take resources from other users and thereby extend their existence on Earth. You will also resist the impending famine and lack of water, as well as various diseases that kill thousands of people on the planet. But, nevertheless, the main threat to life will come from other gamers, because this game is considered multiplayer. In the fights there are firearms, as well as all kinds of homemade weapons. To defend yourself, you need to build bases, various fortifications, plus connect with friends in the so-called clans, thereby the chances of success will be much higher. The main event in this game is raids, namely clans, and these are mostly large ones, begin to destroy and absorb others, smaller ones, thereby expanding their territory. As a result, the main goal in Last Island of Survival is survival at any cost.
All game actions take place in Last Island on the island, which serves as a battlefield. To expand your territory, you need to explore it and destroy other players along the way. It is worth exploring abandoned mines, destroyed universities and airports, forests and much more. In a word, it will be necessary to find resources for survival and development. And these are building materials for creating your own buildings and even weapons. And all this can happen on a mobile device.
How to set the OBB for the game Last Island of Survival
- 1) Download APK
- 2) Unzip the OBB folder to the directory /Android/obb/
- It should turn out like this: /Android/obb/ com.herogame.gplay.lastdayrulessurvival/file(s) with extension .obb (may have additional files)
- 3) Run apk file > install
Last Island of Survival v13.3
1.94 Gb
[attachmentFilSrv=43344:Last Island of Survival v4.8][attachmentFilSrv=43343:OBB Last Island of Survival v4.8]
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