zenly - your world

zenly - your world

Android version: 7.0+
Application version: 5.8.0
Category: Diamonds
Zenly is a service that allows you to track the location of people in real time. You will be able to see on the city map the marks where your friends are located - in a cafe, gym or at work. Check if your child is skipping school. It is possible to lay a route to the location of users. You don't need to use maps for this. Specify the mode of transportation and see how long it will take to get to the desired point. The application has an invisibility feature. Therefore, acquaintances will not even know that you checked their location. You can also see what percentage of the charge is on their phone and whether it is on recharging. The contacts show which of the friends have already downloaded the program.

If you want to hide your location, you can turn on private mode. Thanks to this feature, only those who are in your contact list will be able to add you as friends. To change your location, turn on the VPN and specify the desired country and city in the settings.
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