Hello Haylou

Hello Haylou

Android version: 5.1+
Application version: 2.9.1
Category: Other
Hello Haylou is a fan-made version that has higher compatibility with smartwatches than the original Haylou app. The owners of a certain line of watches got the opportunity to increase the set of their functional qualities. The Hello Haylou application is a modification that can be put on the original application, and at the same time a full-fledged watch management program.

Here, various bugs and other problems that appear due to the incomplete compatibility of the two programs are much less common. The new application allows you to use a lot more useful and interesting features. The original program made it possible to mainly track physical activity and the weather. And this option, in addition to standard functions, includes many other features. For example, setting up ringtones and changing alert tones. You can also customize the display to turn on with gestures and replace the emoji with your own. And many many others.
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