Mighty Knights: Kingdom

Mighty Knights: Kingdom

Android version: 4.4+
Application version: 1.1.5
Category: RPG
Mighty Knights: Kingdom is an interesting mobile game for Android smartphones. Moreover, this is a kind of mixture of a role-playing toy and a clicker. Thanks to this, the gaming mobile application looks bright enough, nice and with a pleasant design. Also, this game has the features of a party RPG with specific turn-based game actions, plus everything is maximally subordinate to the events taking place from the storyline. Well, the prologue to all of the above was some old events, when the brave king and his five best friends-heroes entered into a decisive mortal battle with the most evil and powerful demon. Seeing that he could not defeat his enemies in a fair fight, this evil demon hid one piece of himself. A few years later, she gave her unforeseen fruits by the king and his friends. A powerful army of huge monsters again began to threaten the civilian population. Users in Mighty Knights: Kingdom will have to gather an army and lead it, and then go with him in search of a solution to the problem of the age-old evil that cannot be killed, and thereby make it final.
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