VK Like, wrapping likes

VK Like, wrapping likes

Android version: 2.3+
Application version: 3.6.0
Category: Internet
VK Like, wrapping likes - if you need to create a husky wrapping on the VKontakte website for your photos, videos, records, etc., then this application is exactly what you need. In order for the program to begin to act, you only need to determine the object of wrapping (using the browser application) and it will do everything for you, thanks to its complete automation. Thanks to the program, there is no more need to press the “I Like” button to enlist the support of people in the form of Like, it will do everything automatically. The huge plus of this project is that you do not need to perform large amounts of manipulations, and just establish the subject of the required wrapping and the application itself will begin to do its own thing. But the user still needs to click “I like” to make likes from the owners of the application, but basically the program does everything himself. To add the necessary things, a simple browser will be presented in the application, which will even simplify this wrapping.

In the future, a developer, aka Mikhail Nesterov, promises to make a wrapping of reposts, friends and subscribers. Well, we think that it will be cool, since so far there are no analogues of this VK wrapping program for Android. Go to the application, perform tasks, copy coins (internal application currency). Having gained the required number of coins, add your tasks: subscription to your groups, repost and liping records, adding to your subscribers.
An important warning! The creator of this application is not responsible for the likes you have wound that may be a gap or just their indicator at some point will cease to increase, since the VKontakte service has a huge variety of restrictions. And the service itself, having calculated such a fraud, removes likes. The wrapping speed will proportionally depend on the activity of users in the program: likes are placed on likes and all in this spirit. The more missions you fulfill, the greater the likes of the likes, and the reposts will look at your page.

refinement of this version of the project:
  • Improved external design;
  • Sorting users by age, place of residence, floor;
  • added a manual wrapping function;
  • A normally working store;
  • wrapping subscribers, surveys and other indicators;
  • The main mistakes of the last version are removed.
  • A more ergonomic user interface

In VKLIKE, all the wrapping of such desired likes will work in the form of an exchange of “hearts” - the more people will load and sit in this program, the more likes you will receive.
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