Minecraft 1.18.2

Minecraft 1.18.2

Android version: 5.0+
Application version: (release)
Category: Arcade
The Majong team continues to improve the cubic world and delight users of the Minecraft 1.18.2 game. An experimental mode Wild Update and new types of rolling blocks are now available in the game.
Wild Update. In the new Wild Update mode, players can use the rock blocks from the inventory for various purposes. Darkness effect also moved to a new mode and the developers do not plan to stop on these innovations.
Rock blocks. In Minecraft version 1.18.2, rock blocks have an unusual look and unique properties. The acoustic sensor, shriker and catalyst have the greatest functions.
Acoustic sensor. This block has an increased sensitivity to various sounds. It picks up various noises and can be a signal transmitter.
Shreeker. The block can be used as a sound trap, sending the player a signal of unexpected guests. The player needs to beware of the shrieker if he wants to go unnoticed. This block has an unusual property. It can apply the effect of darkness on Steve. As a result of the deterioration in visibility, it will become more difficult to move in the environment.
Catalyst. With the right activation of this block, you can get tremendous benefits from it. Near the place where creatures die, this catalyst exudes particles that create a territory of rock veins around.
In the future, such blocks can replace earth, stone and other materials. At the moment, skalk veins serve as decorations.
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