

Android version: 4.0+
Application version: 2.1.16
Category: Multimedia
zona is very common in our country, because Allows you to download the torrent files for free, watch movies and listen to music. This is an individual small cinema hall that works around the clock. In addition to the PC, the application supports most modern mobile devices. Now you can watch TV shows even on the road. The project independently checks the update and, if necessary, sets them, and in the corner there will be a window with data on the final version. The interface has elementary controls in which even a beginner will understand.

The possibilities of the program

The Zona program includes a large base of films, television series and music. You can see all this in your own smartphone and download with just one file. You can view not only all television channels, but also listen to radio stations. The user is offered the largest selection of different content on the Internet.

From competitors zona is distinguished by the rapid selection of the necessary files, high viewing quality and instant download. All content is divided into separate groups, which facilitates the search. Here you can see a detailed description, including the plot and artists. If necessary, it is possible to quickly switch to other films. The rating indicator helps to determine the most exciting video material.


  • Free loading for all types of portable devices;
  • Very convenient management in Russian;
  • When working does not load the system;
  • The presence of automatic updates and error correction;
  • The possibility of instant change of interface language;
  • The zone does not contain advertising at all, which often interferes.

Functions and management

download the music and watch all films as much as you like on your phone from anywhere. The new program is specially designed for entertainment on a mobile device. After installation, she herself will select the optimal video material and display on the screen. The new search function by words will help to find what you need so much in seconds. Special settings help to choose the quality of viewing from several available alternatives. After watching, the film is displayed in bookmarks and again it will not be necessary to look for it. If this is not enough, you can always play some games. The program includes really a very large media base for entertainment, and also offers significant speed and quality of file downloading through torrent.

Many people like to watch movies, series and other video materials traditionally, using a TV for
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