Farm Frenzy-Time management farming games offline

Farm Frenzy-Time management farming games offline

Android version: 4.0.3+
Application version: 1.4.00
Category: Simulators
Farm Frenzy - the world-famous computer game, the winner of all kinds of charts, is now ready to stun the minds of new fans. A huge farm with real oil mills, bakeries, wells, livestock, sheep and a huge number of other structures and animals can fit in your mobile phone. Its increase will proportionally depend on your perseverance and skills. You will manage and organize all stages of agricultural production: breeding and feeding livestock, picking vegetables and fruits, selling goods you have created, acquiring new mechanisms, and even protecting the farm from dangerous animals! Intriguing and easy gameplay, which is filled to the brim with high-quality humor, a huge number of funny animals, high-quality graphics and bright colors - all this will definitely not leave indifferent the most picky child.

On each of the forty-eight levels of the game you will need to complete the task, having completed it within a certain time, you will be given an award or a prestigious title.
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