VMP - VK Music

VMP - VK Music

Android version: 4.2+
Application version: 4.9.0
Category: VK apps
The social network Vkontakte has long ceased to be a simple means of communication. Terabytes of videos, photos, and music tracks are concentrated here. Today, a collection of records from your page can be listened to using a number of applications or using the player on the site. The audio player VMP - VK Music has not only the usual functionality for this kind of functionality. Its possibilities are much wider.

Access to all recordings with the VMP app

This music application can play any tracks from the selected list, both at home and with friends. Music compositions blocked by the copyright holder can also be listened to here. Songs that are not available for other reasons also become available. The application works both in online mode and in the absence of an Internet connection. To listen to tracks offline, just download them to your device.

Convenient search algorithm

There are several ways to replenish your own music library. For example, using the "recommendations" section. Tracks that the system selects based on user preferences flock here. The functionality of the audio player allows you to add them from this selection to the list of your songs.

There is also an advanced search in the application by title or artist. As in the first case, the system selects records that match the request. If the user remembers the lyrics of the song, you can find the desired track by it.

Protection of user information

You can hide some audio recordings in the application. For what? Perhaps someone wants to hide their musical preferences from prying eyes.


This free product greatly expands the capabilities of other players designed to listen to Vkontakte music. Most of its capabilities will be appreciated by users of similar programs, such as Vkontakte VK mp3.

If you see when you launch the latest version: The application is not installed - delete the version that you used before and try installing the latest version again. From the next update, it will be possible to put on top.
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