Goat Simulator GoatZ

Goat Simulator GoatZ

Android version: 4.0.3+
Application version: 2.0.5
Category: Zombie
As in the previous story about the reckless goat, the Goat Simulator Goatz will not have any storyline, all that players need is to destroy the versatile structures, as well as kill the rebels from the other world who filled this city with dead bodies. After the first launch, we will be offered a brief learning to choose from, in which it will be explained what and in what sequence it is required to do in order to take possession of at least some weapons, to receive glasses and destroy carnivorous creatures with its horns sharp like a knife. Having passed a short training mode, you can include one of several game modes in your choice: standard and survival. In one, you will need to feed the goat all the time all the food so that it does not die of hunger, and in the other you just need to score more points.
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